Torque 5-40 Ncm, adjustable in steps of 5Ncm.
Used with hand ratchet.
Used for mounting all the screws and healing caps
Used for all implant sizes except ICX-mini Ø 2.9mm
For all drills. Max Ncm: 35
For uncovering overgrown implants. Use the Bone Profiler only if the bone walls interfere with the abutment's emergence profile.
One pin with two different diameters on each end
Used for removal of cold welded abutment
Used for all Ø 2.9mm implants excluding 1mm t-Bona screw(380270)
Used for all t-Bona screws
Counter tool for ICX-mini Ø 2.9mm implants
Material: Titanium Grad 5.
Hand driver for secureing all sizes of implants except ICX-mini 2.9mm
Screw-driver for all internal screws of abutments. 24mm long.
Used for T-ecco inner connection and ICX-mini cap. 35mm long, effectice length 23 mm.
Used for mounting all solid bodies and the straight OCC abutments. Note: fits ICX Massive and ICX-mini abutments.
Abutment grinder attaches to handel (38419). For lab use.
Handel, length 130mm, Ø15mm.Laboratory tool for abutment grinding(without abutment mounting 38418).
Suitable to use in the ICX-assemblies starting with a manufacturing code of C-007, C-009, C-024 and the closed ICX Impression.
Used with ICX construction (except ICX-multi system and ICX-Maximus). NOT FOR FINAL USE! LAB ONLY.
Includes locking and cover screw.