Brand: Schulke MayrSize: (Box 30x40g)modern, Aldehyde-free formulationcomprehensive microbiological effectiveness
Brand: Schulke MayrSize: (900g)
Brand: AlkapharmSize: (1L)
Brand: AlkapharmSize: (5L)
Brand: AlkapharmSize: (2x500)
Brand: UnoDentSize: (1kg)1 scoop makes 2 litres of solution Contains 25 scoops (1 scoop = 40g) which makes in total 50L working solution.
Brand: SeptodontSize: (200ml)
Brand: CavexSize: KitImpreSafe is a non-toxic disinfectant without aldehyde, that only needs 3 minutes to be effective.
Brand: CavexSize: (1L)